
The Greater Bridgeport Area consists of the City of Bridgeport and the towns of Easton, Fairfield, Monroe, Stratford, and Trumbull, all situated in Fairfield County, Connecticut.

Each municipality has its own government. County governments were abolished in 1960; counties continue only as geographical subdivisions.

Our Municipalities

City of Bridgeport

The City of Bridgeport was incorporated in 1836 and is governed by its City charter, which was originally adopted in 1907 and revised in 1992. The charter establishes a Mayor-Council form of government, with the Mayor serving as the City’s chief executive officer. The City Council consists of 20 members elected to two-year terms; the Mayor, City Clerk, and Town Clerk serve four-year terms. Bridgeport provides the following services to businesses, residents, and visitors: police and fire protection; sewer and sanitation; education; library; airport; highways, streets and infrastructure maintenance; parks and recreation; economic development; housing; health and welfare; and general administrative services.

Town of Easton

The Town of Easton is an oasis of rural charm. The Town is home to award-winning schools, more than 20 working farms, and more than one-third of its land is forever preserved. In Easton, the Town Meeting is the legislative branch of town government, performing such functions as adopting ordinances, approving the annual Town budget or referring it to a referendum vote, and performing such other roles as prescribed by state statute. All citizens registered to vote in Easton or who own property assessed by the Town at not less than $1,000 (and who are also 18 years of age and citizens of the U.S.) are entitled to vote at town meetings. The Board of Selectmen is the executive and administrative branch of town government, charged with superintending the concerns of the Town.

Town of Fairfield

The Town of Fairfield was originally settled in 1639 and operates today under a charter last revised in 2006. The Town functions under a Board of Selectmen-Representative Town Meeting form of government. Three members make up the Board of Selectmen, elected every four years. The Representative Town Meeting consists of 40 members elected for two-year terms from 10 voting districts. Fairfield provides its businesses and residents with police and fire services, public works, health and social services, culture and recreation, education, and general administrative services.

Town of Monroe

The Town of Monroe was incorporated in 1823 and operates under a First Selectman-Town Council form of government. The First Selectman, elected every two years, is responsible for planning, administering, and supervising all municipal activities, except for education. Monroe provides a full range of services, including police and fire protection; emergency medical service; recycling collection; snow removal; building inspections; licenses and permits; vital statistics; the construction and maintenance of roads; recreational and cultural activities; library services; and public schools through the Board of Education.

Town of Stratford

The Town of Stratford was settled in 1639, the eighth town formed in Connecticut. Since 2005, Stratford operates under a Mayor-Council form of government. The full-time elected Mayor serves a four-year term. A bipartisan, 10-member Town Council is elected for two-year terms. The Town provides a full range of services: public safety; street maintenance; sanitation; health and human services; public parks and recreation; library; education; culture; public improvement; planning; zoning; sewer; and general administrative services.

Town of Trumbull

The Town of Trumbull was incorporated in the early 1600s and operates under a First Selectman-Town Council form of government. Trumbull provides municipal services that include education, police, emergency medical services, public works and solid waste collection, snow and leaf removal, health and social services, library services, planning and development, traffic control, and recreational/cultural services. Trumbull was originally part of the Town of Stratford until it received full town rights in 1797.