Regional Advantages

The Greater Bridgeport Area and its surrounding communities offer numerous advantages to companies that choose to start or relocate their business here.


Greater Bridgeport offers a favorable location along the northeastern corridor of the U.S., easily accessible to major regional markets. It is within proximity to major metropolitan areas like New York City and Boston, providing businesses with easy access to a large consumer base and potential business opportunities. read more

Infrastructure & Transportation

The region benefits from well-developed infrastructure and transportation networks. It is served by major, well-maintained highways, including Interstate 95 and the Merritt Parkway, facilitating the movement of goods and services. The Port of Bridgeport provides access to international shipping, and the presence of Sikorsky Memorial Airport ensures convenient air travel options. Utilities and telecommunications services are robust and dependable. read more

Skilled Workforce

The Greater Bridgeport Area has a skilled, highly educated, and diverse workforce. Several colleges, universities, and technical schools in the region provide a steady supply of talented graduates. Our educational institutions foster innovation and research collaborations, benefiting businesses that require specialized skills. Additionally, the presence of skilled professionals in diverse industries such as healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and technology makes it easier for businesses to find and attract gifted and experienced employees. read more

Business Incentives

Connecticut offers numerous business incentives to encourage economic growth and attract investment. These include tax credits, grants, loans, and workforce development programs, which can significantly reduce the cost of doing business here and facilitate expansion plans. read more

Business Support

The Greater Bridgeport Area offers various resources and support for businesses. The region has business incubators and accelerators that assist startups and help foster innovation. Additionally, there are chambers of commerce, economic development organizations, industry-specific organizations, and government initiatives that offer guidance, networking opportunities, and incentives for business growth. read more

Industry Clusters

The Greater Bridgeport Area has developed industry clusters in sectors such as healthcare, finance, advanced manufacturing, and technology. These clusters create a supportive ecosystem for businesses, fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing, and the development of specialized supply chains. Being part of a strong industry cluster can provide businesses with access to resources, expertise, and potential partnerships. read more

Quality of Life

The Greater Bridgeport Area offers a high quality of life, with a mix of urban and suburban environments. There are cultural attractions, recreational facilities, and a vibrant arts scene. The area is known for its scenic beauty, parks, and waterfront areas, making it an attractive place to live and work. This desirable living environment can help attract and retain skilled professionals to work in the area. read more

Government Support

The local and state governments in the Greater Bridgeport Area are supportive of businesses. They offer resources and assistance to help businesses navigate regulatory processes, obtain permits, and access government contracts. This support can streamline operations and contribute to the overall success of businesses in the region. read more

Proximity to Research & Development

The Greater Bridgeport Area is close to major research and development institutions, including universities and national laboratories. This proximity offers opportunities for collaboration, technology transfer, and access to cutting-edge research. Businesses can benefit from the intellectual capital and technological advancements generated by these institutions. read more